註冊 Registration

* 必填 Required field
* 1.姓名
* First Name
Middle Name
* Last Name
* 2.性別 Gender

* 3.出生年(西元年) year of birth
* 4.國籍 Nationality
* 5.電話(手機或市話) Phone Number (Mobile preferred)
* 6.學校 University
* 7.學歷 Degree
*年級 Current grade
Graduation year (or expected)
* 8.學系 Department
* 9.主修 Major
10.副修(輔系) Minor
* 11.專長領域 Area of Concentration

12.擅長電腦軟體 Software expertise
* 13.在台居留證到期日 ARC. Expiry date
* 14.希望尋求的職務類型 What type of job are you looking for?
* 15.希望從事產業 Preferred Industries?
* 16.英文程度(聽&說) Level of English Ability (Listening&Speaking)

* 17.英文程度(讀&寫) Level of English Ability (Reading&Writing)

* 18.中文程度(聽&說) Level of Mandarin Ability (Listening&Speaking)

* 19.中文程度(讀&寫) Level of Mandarin Ability (Reading&Writing)

20.其他擅長的語言 Other Language
* 21. 請問你是否具有華語證照? Do you have a Chinese language Certificate (TOCFL) ?
, 請問你華語證照的級數為何? What is the level of your TOCFL Certificate?
22.其他證照 Other Certificate
* 23.過往是否參加過中技社下列活動? Have you ever participated in following activities of CTCI Foundation before?

* 24.你目前在台灣嗎? Are you currently in Taiwan?

* 25.期望工作地點 DesiredLocation
* 26. 請上傳一份個人簡歷 Please upload a resume in PDF file, max.size 20M
Please download the CV from the cloud ( or USB) to mobile phone and upload
27.請上傳一個pdf 或 jpg 照片檔的成績單 (非必要) Please upload your Transcript in PDF or JPG format , Max. size 20M
* 28. Email
個資同意書Personal Information
According to the Personal Data Protection Act, CTCI Foundation issues its statement of personal data protection and collection agreement to notify you of your responsibilities and rights and solicit your consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data by CTCI Foundation for event purpose. Your signature below indicates that you have read, understood and accepted the contents set forth in this agreement.
Verification code 驗證碼